Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Official American Citizen!

Everyone asks me how it feels to have a baby now and I never know what to say. Everything is so…well, surreal.  I keep thinking I am going to wake up and she won’t be here…that it was all a dream…a nine month dream!
Christmas Eve!
Five Days Before Ivelisse's Arrival!
We had a lot of doctor appointments the last two weeks, as Ivelisse* was jaundice (still is, but it’s getting better).  Sitting in the waiting room, the nurse would come out and call her name, “Ivelisse H.”  I would just sit there.  The nurse would say it again.  Oh wait, that’s my baby they are calling.  Oops.

Daddy and Timmy weighing Ivelisse at her first doctor's appointment!

I got her insurance and social security cards in the mail the other day and both were addressed to her.  It’s starting to feel a little more real.

Someone calls on the phone and asks “How is Ivelisse?”  I stop and think to myself, she really is here and she is all mine.

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