Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Attempt #2!!!

A year ago I resolved to start a blog...

That didn't last long.

My original goal was to post a picture a day for 365 days and write about each picture.  That seemed simple enough, but I found myself missing a day here and there and then trying to catch up later.  Other days, my life seemed so boring and unworthy of a photograph.

Eighteen days ago, my life changed forever!  I now have a subject worthy of a hundred pictures everyday!

Ivelisse Mari
December 30, 2011
5:22 p.m.
6 lbs. 8 ozs.
19 in.

So...my new goal is to take a picture every day for the first year of my baby girl's life. I want to be able to look back and see how she has grown and developed. I want to be able to share my amazing miracle with my family and friends.

The new Live & Learn - Project 365:

1.    Post at least one picture of Ivelisse and/or related subject matter each day. (I will be utilizing my fabulous iPhone and Blogger app to accomplish this.  Hopefully this will eliminate any excuse on my part for not doing so.)

2.    Blog at least once a week about my adventures in motherhood.  (This blog is after all is called “Live & Learn.”)

3.    Occasionally post about other musings in my life.

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