Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Other Babies

After a 2 am feeding, I checked on our two dogs, Samson and Harley.  This is what I found...
Samson, the English Mastiff, was my dog and Harley, the Catahoula, was Stephen's dog.  Harley is quite aggressive with people and other dog (particularly dogs, his size or bigger); while Samson is the biggest baby you will ever meet.  From their first meeting, it has been a love-hate relationship.  Sam loves Harley.  Harley hates Sam.  After EV's arrival, Harley has been much friendlier to Sam.  I think since they have been booted to second place in line for our attention, they have turned to each other for comfort.  Harley takes a moment about once a week to show Sam he's still top dog.

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