Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 13: Holiday Tree

I bought this silver tinsel tree a few years ago at Pier One.  I have always liked the bigger versions, but I have never been gutsy enough to buy one for the house.  So I settled for the miniature version.  Stephen, of course, hated it!  I am thinking he has holiday issues, or maybe just Christmas decorating issues, because he HATES everything I put up for the holidays.  Two years ago, I took the tree to school for Christmas and the kids loved it.  Apparently only children appreciated the tree's gaudy flair (another reason why I am so puzzled by Stephen's insistence that this tree never be displayed  in the house).  I continued to change the themed decor to match the season.  Since I am no longer in the classroom, the tree has once again found itself back in our home.  I placed the tree in the spare bedroom (also called "my room," as Stephen is not fond of the decor in there either).  I have since relocated it the guest bathroom, much to Stephen's chagrin.  It is currently themed for Valentine's Day.  Don't you love the pink glow?!?!


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